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Home Mind The Anxiety Guru Show

The Anxiety Guru Show

The Anxiety Guru Podcast
Read time: 1 min

Scores of episodes (July 2014 onward), 15–60 minutes each
By Paul Dooley

Lucie Dunkelberger

Lucie Dunkelberger, first-year undergraduate majoring in psychology, Arizona State University


“Whether you have an anxiety disorder or studying for exams is making your stress levels skyrocket, “The Anxiety Guru Show” will keep you grounded. The podcast stays relevant by answering viewers’ questions. A stress-free way to help with stress!”

4 out of 5 stars
Paul is extremely knowledgeable and entertaining to boot. Great for listening on the way to school (or while procrastinating).

3 out of 5 stars
As a psychology major, listening to info about anxiety is much more entertaining than reading about it in my textbook.

4 our of 5 stars
By covering such a wide range of anxiety topics, everyone can take something away from it.

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