—Darla G., Ashford University, California
The frequency in which you should be working out depends on what your goals are. For many people, general health and wellness are their main reasons for exercising.
Don’t forget to build in time for active rest days
The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends taking at least 48 hours between strength training sessions. This doesn’t mean you should do nothing on those days. Instead, use your days off from strength training to get some moderate or intense aerobic activity in. If you’re feeling particularly sore, take it easy with a relaxed swim or walk. Find out more about active rest.
Fit exercise into your schedule in a way that works for you
You don’t have to do all your exercise in large blocks of time. Breaking up the exercise segments into smaller time blocks can make it more manageable. If you have 10 or 20 minutes to kill after lunch, take a brisk walk or do a 15-minute YouTube workout. That can help cut down on the time you need to spend working out later.
You can split up your physical activity over a few days a week or as many as 5–6 days a week. Just try to move a little each day, no matter what.
Use these general guidelines to find what works best for your goals and your schedule
Current physical activity guidelines: CDC
New recommendations on quantity and quality of exercise: American College of Sports Medicine