Read time: 2 min
Balletic conditioning moves

Plié: Start standing with your heels touching, toes pointed out at an angle and arms relaxed by your sides. Begin to bend your knees so they are over your toes, but be sure to keep your heels on the ground and your hips tucked under. Then, lift back up to your starting position. That is 1 repetition. Do 10 repetitions for 3 sets. To modify, do not bend as far down.

Relevé: Start standing with your heels touching, toes pointed out at an angle and arms relaxed by your sides. Begin to lift up off your heels and onto the ball of your foot. Be sure to tuck your hips under and engage your core. Lower down to your starting position. This is 1 repetition. Do 10 repetitions for 3 sets. To modify, hold onto a chair or wall to help you balance.

Plié/Relevé combo: Start standing with your heels touching, toes pointed out at an angle and arms relaxed by your sides. Begin to bend your knees so they are over your toes, but be sure to keep your heels on the ground and your hips tucked under. Then, begin to lift up off your heels and onto the ball of your foot. Be sure to tuck your hips under and engage your core. Lower down to your starting position. This is 1 repetition. Do 10 repetitions for 2 sets. To modify, hold onto a chair or wall to help you balance.

Grande Battement: Start standing with your heels touching, toes pointed out at an angle and arms relaxed by your sides. With your toes pointed, slowly lift your right foot up off of the ground and try to lift it to hip height. If you have to bend your knee, then lower your leg until you can have a straight leg. Be sure you are engaging your core and your hips are turned out. Then, lower your foot back down to your starting position. This is 1 repetition. Repeat on the left side for your second repetition. To modify, keep your leg lower and hold onto a wall or chair for stability.

Second Position Plié: Start with your feet wider than hip width apart and your toes pointed out at an angle, arms relaxed by your sides. Begin to bend your knees so they are in line with your toes and lift your arms out to your sides at shoulder height. If your heels begin to lift, walk your legs out a bit further. Then release by straightening your legs and bringing your arms back down. Do 10 repetitions for 3 sets. To modify, do not go down as far and to advance, go down as far as you can by keeping your hips pushed forward and heels glued to the floor.

— Eliza S. University of Massachusetts Amherst