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Home Body FitnessU: 8 ways to do a pushup

FitnessU: 8 ways to do a pushup

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Even if you’ve mastered the standard pushup, it can be helpful (and fun) to switch things up. Here are eight different ways to perform a pushup that works your triceps, biceps, core, shoulders, and chest.

1. Basic pushup

Get into a pushup position, with your hands directly underneath your shoulders. Keep your back flat as you lower your chest to the ground. To modify, drop your knees and keep your feet on the ground.

2. Tricep pushup

Begin in a basic pushup position. When you lower your body, tuck your elbows and rotate them back, not out.

3. Elevated pushup

Find a box that will support your weight. Get into a pushup position, with your feet positioned up on the box. Raise your hips up, putting more pressure on your shoulders as you drop down and press up.

4. Incline pushup

Modify the elevated pushup by placing your hands on the box instead of your feet. This puts a little less pressure on your upper body. From this position, you can add in knee raises. Push yourself up, then bring your elbow to your knee, keeping your back flat, and abs tight.

5. Knee raise pushup

Complete the same movement as the incline pushup, but with your hands and feet on the ground.

6. Foot glider pushup

Get into a pushup position, with gliders under both feet. Slide one foot forward, bringing your knee to your chest. Slide it back out, then down into a pushup. Repeat. Another option is to bring both knees in, push out, then into a pushup.

7. Hand glider pushup

Place the gliders under your hands while in a pushup position. Slide one hand forward until it’s fully extended, then back into position. Do a tricep pushup. Repeat, alternating hands.

8. Moving pushup

Get into a pushup position to begin. Bring your knee to your elbow. Instead of returning back to the starting position, drop your foot to the ground. Extend one hand forward, then the other, so that you’re back in a pushup position. Bring your other knee in to your elbow. Anchor that foot to the ground, and reposition your arms so that you’re back in a pushup position. The change in angle of your arms causes you to use more back and core muscles.

Samantha C., Florida International University

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