Read time: 2 min
From frustrated to fresh

Child’s Pose: Start by coming down to all fours, with your hands shoulder width a part, your knees hip width a part, and your toes relaxed on the ground. Sit back into your hips until your bum is seat down onto or towards the floor in between your heels. Arms are stretch long in front of you and then move back onto all fours. Repeat this 8 times.

Cat/Cow: Start by coming down to all fours, with your hands shoulder width a part, your knees hip width apart, and your toes relaxed on the ground. Begin to round your back, drawing your navel up, and tucking your chin in towards your chest. This is cat. Then, reverse and push your chest out towards the ground and bring your gaze up towards the sky. This is cow. Repeat this movement at a slow pace for 10 repetitions.

Down Dog to Plank: Begin in a forward fold by touching your hands down to your toes, but feel free to bend your knees a lot. Place your palms flat on the ground and begin to walk your feet back so your hips are high, stretching your back and arms. Knees can be slightly bent and feet are hip width. From here, gently glide out into a plank. Push your bottom down and have your shoulders stand right over your wrists. Make sure your core is engaged and then slowly push back to down dog. Hold each position for 5 breaths. Do 10 reps for 3 sets. To modify, put your knees down in plank, which is called table top.

Airplane to Mountain Pose: Start with feet hip-width a part, standing up tall. Raise one leg behind you with a flexed foot and slightly hinging at the hips. Open your arms out to the side and hold for airplane pose. Then place your foot back down to center and reach your arms up overhead so your palms touch for mountain pose. Do 10 repetitions on each side. To modify, do not raise your leg as high and to advance, raise your leg back as far as you can with keeping your upper body lifted.