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Key points
- Online classes offer more flexibility but also require more discipline.
- Organization and time management are key to succeeding in an online course.
- Proactively speaking out, asking questions, and contributing to discussions will help you stand out in the virtual classroom.
Are you taking an online class this semester? Or perhaps a hybrid class—a traditional classroom with online learning components? If you haven’t yet ventured into the virtual classroom, you likely will. In a recent survey by Student Health 101, almost 8 out of 10 students who responded had taken at least one online class, and over 80 percent said online classes were either required or optional in their current program. Here’s how to impress your professor, connect with your peers, and stand out online for all the right reasons.
Why online classes?
The pros
Some online courses are relatively inexpensive compared to the classroom model (though this may be offset by a technology fee). Online learning offers schedule flexibility, which can work well for students who are commuting, employed, or caring for families. Location-flexible learning can also be helpful to students with disabilities (no travel or classroom discomforts), those who struggle to speak up in a classroom (no one turning to look at you), and people who like to wear their PJs all day long (no dress code).
The challenges
Online classes also come with certain challenges. They can be just as rigorous, if not more so, than traditional courses—but in an online class, the professor isn’t right there reminding you about the paper due Friday. Working on your own can also be a challenge: In your own space, distractions may surround you (festering laundry, imperious cat). At the outset, your peers will be disembodied names and your professor just text on a screen. That might make it seem harder to stay engaged, but you can turn that into a learning scenario in which you shine.
Do online classes work?
“[W]e are asked by students all the time: Are online courses hard? Am I going to do well in an online or hybrid course?” wrote researchers in a 2014 analysis published in the Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration. The evidence is uneven, but much of it is reassuring. Here’s what the research says:
- Students’ academic outcomes appear similar in online and face-to-face classes.
- The hybrid model can work slightly better than the traditional approach, some studies suggest.
- Whether the classroom is online or traditional is a less meaningful predictor of success than students’ drive and engagement.
8 ways to be a virtual stand out
1. Check your calendar and reminders
In online classes, you cannot count on your professor or classmates to keep you on track. If you didn’t do this already, read your syllabus carefully and schedule everything for the semester: class sessions, assignments, readings, deadlines, and study groups.
- Use the organizational system that works best for you (calendar, app, whiteboard, etc.) for goals and planning.
- Set notifications for tasks and deadlines.
- On your calendar, color-code the time frame for each project (e.g., a blue band spanning from the date the paper was assigned to the date it’s due). In one study, this simple technique helped people meet their deadlines.
“The best way that students can stand out in online classes is to be as organized as possible, including in how you present your work. Because online instructors usually have to grade a written assignment, a well-structured and well-organized student paper stands out. For students, that level of organization facilitates the learning process and leads to more outstanding work.”
—Dolan Williams, education attorney, California, and former student community standards specialist at an online university
“Turning notifications on to alert me by email and text for my online class helps me keep on track with assignments.”
—Emily B., fourth-year student, Colorado Mesa University, Grand Junction
“First, take the syllabus and write all the due dates down—I hear this so often, but it really helps. Also make sure you have time each week to work in that class. Sometimes it is easy to forget your online class and focus more on classes you take on campus. Setting time aside each week for that class makes a difference.”
—Leah H., fourth-year student, Metropolitan State University of Denver, Colorado
“Check when the assignment/test is scheduled, which chapters are needed for it, and then divide the number of pages by the number of days until the due date.”
—Corey L., University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada
2. Keep a steely focus on time management
Yes, even more so than usual. Online learning brings an increased demand for self-discipline and time-management skills. Better get on it.
- Use your most productive time of day for tasks requiring memory, concentration, and alertness (e.g., assignments). For many people, this is mid- to late morning.
- Stay current with assignments, projects, and deadlines.
- Break your assignments into chunks to make them more manageable and rewarding.
- Commit to doing something every day for each assignment, even if it’s minor.
- Consider strategically adjusting your deadlines: Instead of focusing on the due date, think about the number of days to get there. This way, the task seems more current, motivating you to get started and work on it consistently.
“I look at who turned in the assignment a day or more before the due date. It shows me that this online student is proficient in planning her or his time and is taking the assignment seriously, not throwing something together last minute.”
—Jennifer Millspaugh, MA, professor of speech communication, Richland College, Dallas, Texas
“It is very difficult to balance your time to make sure you are giving enough attention to your online course. When taking an online course, you need to set aside blocks of time that you do not compromise to get that classwork done.”
—Charlie L., first-year graduate student, Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana
“Pay attention to deadlines. Dedicate a certain amount of time each week to the online course. Because you are not going to an actual class it feels like you can do it whenever, but due dates are still a thing.”
—Mike W., fourth-year undergraduate, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb
3. Control your environment before it controls you
Some students can tune into class from their sofa and do just fine. Many of us, however, need a more structured environment in which to focus and learn. And we all need to limit our exposure to technological distractions.
The biggest challenge of online study might be sustaining your attention. Online students confessed to mind-wandering roughly 40 percent of the time in a 2013 study. (That problem was effectively addressed by routinely testing students on the material just covered.)
- Find a place to take class and study that’s free of distractions (e.g., the library).
- Avoid working in your bedroom, and absolutely never work in bed; this trains your mind to be active in your sleep environment.
- Log out of social media and Netflix, turn off phone notifications, and use headphones to minimize noise distractions.
- Try an app that limits your online access; for example, StayFocusd (for use with Google Chrome) allows you to set a time limit on aimless browsing.
- Use the Pomodoro technique to help you block out chunks of focus time while studying.
“It is so easy to get distracted when you are not actually in a classroom at a set time. Find a place and time that work best for you. For some students, that may be late at night in a corner of their kitchen or early morning at a coffee shop. Whatever it is, the space should be as distraction-free as possible.”
—Dr. Amy Baldwin, director, University College, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
“Work early on to manage distractions and how you will respond to them. First, it’s important to have a dedicated area where you will complete your studies and coursework online. As faculty, I cannot concentrate while on my laptop in my living room; I have a dedicated office space where I am not able to view the TV.”
—Christina Jaquez, JD, student community standards specialist, Ashford University (online)
“[I recommend] blocking out specific days and times during the week to complete readings, posts, and assignments. Getting into a routine significantly reduces stress and makes it easier to balance school, work, and personal life.”
—Alex C., fourth year student, Metropolitan University of Denver, Colorado
“Set up some kind of routine and do it at the same place or same time as if you were attending a class. Log in every day just to make sure there are no announcements or something you forgot to do. Online classes need special attention so you don’t fall behind, but the flexibility it provides is priceless.”
—Kaila H., fifth-year student, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
“Even though my classes are online, I still arrive on campus at 8:45 a.m. and use the computers in the library.”
—V. T., Santa Rosa Junior College, California
4. Ask the questions…so many questions
You can’t raise your hand in an online course, but you can still speak up—and you should. To clarify assignment expectations and make sure you understand the point, ask right away. Your classmates will benefit too.
- Get clarification about the syllabus as soon as possible.
- Ask your professor questions well before you need the answer.
- When corresponding, consider time zone differences.
- Connect with your professor during office hours.
“The absence of body language means faculty can’t see, literally, when students have confusion on their faces. Asking questions for clarification can help everyone: you, your classmates, and even your instructor.”
—David Bartone, lecturer and advisor, University Without Walls, University of Massachusetts Amherst
“Students have the responsibility of reaching out to their online instructors to ask questions. The absence of a face-to-face encounter makes this a fundamental prerequisite for online learning. If that does not happen, students are adversely affected in the learning process as well as the grades that they earn for online courses.”
—Dr. Constantine Passaris, professor of economics, University of New Brunswick
“Be vigilant in keeping up with the coursework, and if you don’t understand something, reach out to your professor sooner rather than later. Online courses are useful because they can be done on your time, so this works well for people with busy schedules. However, in-class help is nonexistent, so you have to make sure you understand the material and get help if you don’t.”
—Mendel J., fifth-year student, SUNY College of Old Westbury, New York
“Don’t be afraid to email or contact the professor. They are there to help, even for online classes. Reaching out can also help distinguish yourself from other students, which is important especially since it can be harder for professors to get to know you in an online class.”
—Jess W., fourth-year student, Portland State University, Oregon
“Work on assignments as soon as they are available so that you can identify any questions you might have. Because it can be harder to get in touch with the professors, it’s good to know what you need help with as soon as possible.”
—Raymond C., University of Wisconsin–Stout, Menomonie
“Go to every session, complete all assignments, and ask questions as early as possible so you can get a response before it’s too late. Do not treat it as a ‘blow off’ just because it’s online; it’s still a college course, and you have to try to get a good grade.”
—Michael K., Chicago-Kent College of Law, Illinois
5. Always be part of class discussions
To stand out from the virtual masses, take an active role in your online learning experience. Not participating in class discussions may affect your grade. Good news: In a recent survey by SH101, many students said they are more comfortable speaking up online than in a traditional classroom.
- Expect more interaction than in a traditional classroom setting.
- Initiate discussions.
- Check your email daily, and respond when appropriate.
- When possible, get to know your peers personally outside the virtual classroom.
“I always encourage students to do the ‘AEQ method.’ This means Acknowledge what the other student said; provide your own Experience; follow up with a Question.”
—Professor Williams
“Similar to classroom dialogue, learning happens when you interact with your peers. My most valuable tip would be to try to engage with different classmates each week. Be diverse in who you interact with to further enrich your learning experience.”
—Professor Jaquez
“If you can, try to be the first to post on discussion boards; a lot of the time, if you’re late, someone else has already made that point and you have to think of something else.”
—Sam P., second-year graduate student, Portland State University, Oregon
“Most of the time, people are too shy to speak up in class, but in online classes no one sees you, and you can speak your mind all the time.”
—Denise V., St. Mary’s University, Texas
6. Use your words constructively
Sometimes written text may read more harshly than intended, especially if you don’t have an established rapport with the other person or people. It’s important to be assertive on discussion boards and email, and also to make sure you’re coming across as respectful—otherwise your assertiveness could work against you.
- Craft your written comments before making them public.
- Ensure your remarks are always respectful of others’ opinions.
- Try not to get offended or take it personally if you read comments that seem direct or abrupt.
- Use proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.
“As an online learner, you have the chance to really think about your ideas and positions before you post your response. No longer must the extroverts determine the discussion. Everyone has a fair shot to contribute frequently and meaningfully; everyone should take it!”
—Professor Bartone
“It is very easy to take written communication the wrong way in an online format. Assume that anyone who communicates electronically is doing so in a calm, caring tone. Believe me! Doing this first and then asking for clarification from others are two keys to long-term management of potential conflicts.”
—Dr. Baldwin
“Too many students use ‘text-speak’ when submitting their online assignments or participating in discussion boards. Just as you have to change your tone and the language you use to talk to your professor instead of your close friends, you should change your written language online to be more formal and more college level.”
—Professor Millspaugh
“I enjoy having online discussions. I’m allowed to review my response and then submit it, versus fearing saying something stupid.”
—Mason M., University of Wyoming
“Being able to read and reread what others are saying is better than hearing it in class, because it gives me time to digest their opinion and formulate a thoughtful reply.”
—Olivia H., Queen’s University, Ontario, Canada
7. Get creative with work groups
Take advantage of online tools that can help you successfully work with peers from a distance.
Check out these tools and formats (or suggest alternative formats to your instructor when appropriate):
- Free document sharing/editing services
- Free web conferencing services with online screen sharing
- Dedicated groups via online social networks for informal discussion
“Group work can be challenging in an online class if the expectation is to ‘meet up’ or complete work synchronously. Finding a space online—a chat room or even Google Docs—that allows students to interact at a designated time, or asynchronously (in their own time), can be a tremendous help.”
—Dr. Baldwin
“If you have the time and energy, getting a list of emails or numbers for other people in the course can be really helpful so you can chat about assignments. You can also have online study sessions.”
—Sam P., second-year graduate student, Portland State University, Oregon
“Take the course with a friend. That way, you have someone to discuss it with in person and a face-to-face study partner.”
—Abigail R., Wayne State College, Nebraska
8. Test your technology
You don’t have to be a tech guru to take an online class, but you do need to quickly address any glitches.
- Make sure you meet the course’s technical requirements.
- Contact your college’s distance learning support center with questions.
- Ask teachers and classmates which apps and other tools they recommend for organization, document sharing, video conferencing, and so on.
“The most important thing is access to a working computer with internet and email along with a backup plan to account for computer issues, internet issues, etc. While the classroom and some content can be accessed via mobile or through apps, it is rather difficult to complete coursework this way.”
—Professor Jaquez
“Step one: Seek out the e-learning and online help support specialists at your school.”
—Professor Bartone
“Prepare yourself to expect technology issues and to find solutions or quick turnarounds to keep going.”
—Roger R., fourth-year student, University of Wisconsin Stout, Menomonie
“If the instructor is going to use Blackboard or Canvas, or some other sort of medium, then download the app if there is one. Check your online login every morning.”
—Joshua M., California State University, Stanislaus
Online classes are ultimately what you make them. Plan it right, and they’re a chance to become an expert in the kind of real-world self-discipline you’ll need for success after graduation.
7 tips for success: University of Illinois
Strategies for getting the most out of an online class: Northeastern University
Amy Baldwin, EdD, director, University College, University of Arkansas
David Bartone, MFA, lecturer and advisor, University Without Walls, University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Martin Connors, PhD, professor of space science, Athabasca University, Alberta.
Christina Jaquez, JD, student conduct specialist, deputy Title IX compliance specialist, Ashford University (online).
Jennifer Millspaugh, MA, professor of speech communication, Richland College, Texas.
Constantine Passaris, PhD, professor of economics, University of New Brunswick.
Dolan Williams, JD, education attorney; former student community standards specialist, Ashford University.
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McDonough, C., Roberts, R. P., & Hummel, J. (2014, Fall). Online learning: Outcomes and satisfaction among underprepared students in an upper-level psychology course. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, XVII(III). Retrieved from http://www.westga.edu/~distance/ojdla/fall173/mcdonough_roberts_hummel173.html
Northeastern University. (2014). Be a successful online learner. Retrieved from http://www.northeastern.edu/online/online-learning/
San Diego City College. (n.d.). E-Learner dos and don’ts. Retrieved from http://www.sdcity.edu/CollegeServices/StudentSupportResources/Counseling/OnlineCounseling/ELearnerDOsDONTs
CampusWell survey, September 2016.
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US Department of Education. (2010). Evaluation of evidence-based practices in online learning: A meta-analysis and review of online learning studies. Retrieved from http://www2.ed.gov/rschstat/eval/tech/evidence-based-practices/finalreport.pdf
Veletsianos, G. (2013). Learner experiences with MOOCs and open online learning. Hybrid Pedagogy. Retrieved from http://learnerexperiences.hybridpedagogy.com
Xu, D., & Jaggars, S. S. (2011, March). Online and hybrid course enrollment and performance in Washington state community and technical colleges. Community College Research Center. Retrieved from http://hybrid-pedagogy.github.io/LearnerExperiencesInMOOCs/