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Roast veg and scrambled eggs

Read time: 1 min
Roast veg and scrambled eggs


  • 5 small mushrooms (ex: button white mushrooms)
  • ½ green pepper
  • 6 cherry tomatoes
  • 1 Tbsp. olive oil
  • ½ tsp. each of salt, black pepper, and oregano
  • 2 eggs
  • ~ 1 Tbsp. crumbled feta cheese
  • ~ 1 Tbsp. skim or 1 percent milk

Wash all vegetables.

Toss them in 1 Tbsp. olive oil, ½ tsp. salt, ½ tsp. black pepper and ½ tsp. oregano (or any other spices to your taste) and lay vegetables out on a baking tray. The tomatoes and mushrooms are small, so keep them whole. The ½ pepper can be sliced into a few pieces to help it roast.

Preheat oven to 425°F. Vegetables should take about 20 minutes to roast.

While vegetables are roasting, prepare your eggs. Use medium heat on the stove top and a small non-stick pan (or regular pan with a teaspoon of oil). While the pan heats, crack 2 eggs (1 egg if you’re not too hungry) into a bowl. Always wash your hands after handling raw eggs to avoid contaminating your food with Salmonella—a bacteria sometimes found on raw eggs.

Add 1 Tbsp. of milk and beat the eggs well (by hand with a fork is sufficient, but a whisk is best if your have one). Now add your crumbled feta cheese and pour the mixture onto the pan to cook.

Use a spatula to slowly move the eggs around the pan and break them up throughout cooking so that they are scrambled. The eggs should take about 4 minutes to cook.

Once both the eggs and vegetables are done, simply serve them together on a plate and enjoy!