Read time: 3 min
Stair workout

Warm up: (Perform one set of each exercise below)

  • Toe Taps on bottom Step: Stand facing the staircase and bring one leg up at a time to tap the top of the bottom step of the staircase. Alternating 20 times for the first set. Immediately following do the same movement but faster so that your feet are quickly moving up and down, perform 50 reps for another set.
  • Double Step Stair Walks: Climb the staircase by stepping on every other step slowly until you reach the top of the stairs. Then walk back down. Perform this 1-3 times through.
  • Hip Flexor Lunge Stretch: Standing at the bottom of the staircase, about a foot away from the bottom of the first step, take your right leg and step on the second step from the bottom, drop down into a deep lunge, bending the front knee to 90 degrees, feeling the stretch in the left hip flexor. Hold this lunge for about 3 seconds, then switch legs. Alternate the lunges for 20 reps total.

Workout circuit:

  • On-Off Jumping Jacks: 16 Jacks Total: Stand at the bottom of the staircase. Perform a jumping jack, step onto the first step, with both feet planted on the first step, perform another jumping jack on the step. Then step down off the step and perform another on the ground, step back on the first step and repeat. 16 Jacks are to be completed, 8 on the ground, 8 on the step.
  • Single Leg outer thigh lifts: 8-10/leg: Assume the same position you started in for side lunges. Step your right leg onto the bottom step then lift your left leg out to the side, keeping your knee facing the side, leading the lift with your heel up to engaged the outer thigh/glute. Once you complete 12-16 on this leg, turn and face the opposite direction and perform the movement with your right leg.
  • Stair Push-ups: 10x: Face the staircase straight on again. Depending on your height bring your hands to a step level that will place your body in a full plank positon, back flat and feet still on the ground and hands on the edge of the step slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Lower your chest to the step until your elbow joint reaches 90 degrees. Your elbows should point backwards to an angle and not come out horizontally from your shoulders. Press yourself back up to the starting plank position.
  • Single Leg Propulsion Jumps: 10 jumps/leg: Stand in front of the staircase and place your right foot on the first step, pushing through your heel on the step propel yourself upwards bringing the left leg off the floor and the right leg off the step, then return to start position with your right leg on the step and left leg back to the floor. This is essentially a single leg jump. Repeat 10 jumps on the right leg, then switch and jump with the left leg for 10 jumps.
  • Staircase Mountain Climbers: 20 reps/leg: Assume the same position you started with for pushups but bring your hands directly under your shoulders. Lift your right leg up and bring your right knee into your chest, then place it back and bring your left leg into your chest. Repeat this motion alternating knees for 20 times on each leg.
  • Staircase Doulbe Step Runs: 1-2 Rounds for beginners and 3-4 rounds for advanced.

1-2 Rounds for Beginners and 3-4 Rounds for Advanced

— Samantha C., American University