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Staircase workout

  • Jump Squat: Start standing with feet hip width apart and arms relaxed by your sides. As you stand in front of the first step of your staircase, create a slight bend in your knees, use the power of your legs, and jump onto the first step as you lower into a squat. Arms will naturally swing up and down as you jump. Gain balance and then from that low squat, jump again onto the next step. Targeting your glutes and quads, this will make your legs burn! Try doing 8 steps for 2 rounds.
  • Step-Kick: Start standing with feet hip width apart and arms relaxed by your sides. Step your right foot onto the step and at the same time, lift your left leg behind you, keeping your hips squared and your foot flexed. Then step your left foot on the next step and raise your right leg behind. Do this all the way up your staircase 3 times. To modify, you can take this move onto the floor.
  • Lunge on the stairs: Start standing with feet hip width apart and arms relaxed by your sides. Step your right foot up on the first step and keep your left foot on the ground, heel lifted as you bend your left knee into a lunge. Raise your arms up overhead, with arms close to your ears and do 10 pulses in your lunge, then switch sides. To intensify, you can use hand weights and to modify, you can do the same move on the floor.
  • Two-at-a-time: Start standing with feet hip width apart and arms relaxed by your sides. With your core engaged and a slight bend in your knees, step your right foot up to the second step and then your left foot up to the 4th step so you are climbing the stair case two steps at a time. The faster you are able to go, the more of a cardio or aerobic exercise this will become. Do this up your staircase two times.

— Eliza, University of Massachusetts Amherst