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Home BetterU World environment day

World environment day

clean earth
Read time: 1 min

June 5 is World Environment Day, an event created by the World Health Organization to raise awareness and action for the environment. It serves as a “people’s day” to show the impact that we individuals can have on the environment—and how the collective power of everyone working together can make a difference.

You might be asking yourself: What kind of difference can one person make? A big one! Here are some ideas for things you can do to affect the environment in a positive way:

  • Pick up litter you see on campus.
  • Reduce, reuse, recycle.
  • Walk to class (instead of taking your car), or take the campus bus.
  • Limit showers to seven minutes or less. Not only will the environment thank you, but so will everyone else in your residence hall.
  • Shop local. Does your city have a farmer’s market? Summer is the perfect time to buy fruits and vegetables from a local farmer.
  • Organize a tree-planting drive (with approval from your school/city first).
  • Share your pictures on social media.
  • Start a recycling drive.

Planned an event? Register it here

More info on World Environment Day