Read time: 1 min
Your body, your gym, in 3 moves

Arm pulses:

  • Start in a standing position with feet hip width apart and feet parallel. Raise your arms from your sides up to shoulder height.
  • Face the palms of your hands forward and begin to do quick little pushes with your palms, keeping just a slight bend in your elbows.
  • Repeat with palms facing up, down, and back. Do five repetitions in every direction and complete two sets.
  • To modify, you can relax your arms in between switching the direction of your palms.

Calf raises:

  • Start in a standing position with feet hip width apart and feet parallel. Relax your arms by your sides.
  • Roll up onto the balls of your feet by lifting off of your heels. This is one repetition. Do 20 repetitions for 2 sets.

Shoulder taps in plank

  • Come on to all fours with knees hip width apart and hands shoulder width apart, with a nice flat back.
  • Press back onto your toes and lift knees off the ground to come into a full plank.
  • Find balance on your left arm and lift your right hand off the ground to tap your left shoulder. Return back to plank position. That’s one repetition. Do 10 reps by alternating left and right, and complete 2 sets.
  • To modify, keep your knees on the ground.