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One unified, campus-wide message

You are passionate about student success and retention and that’s why you invest in multiple student affairs departments: health, finance, recreation and fitness, academic support, career, counseling, etc. Each of these departments has a different area of expertise, but they all have the same objective: to help more of the students you recruit graduate from your school. In other words, every department on your campus is a stakeholder in your students’ wellness.

After all, wellness is more than just fitness and nutrition—all areas of a student’s life affect how they feel, think, and perform. Our goal is to help you integrate the message of student success that each of these departments promotes by looking at how each fits into one of eight dimensions of wellness: Physical, Emotional, Social, Intellectual, Occupational, Financial, Spiritual, and Environmental.

CampusWell makes health promotion easy—with little additional effort on your part. Let us do the heavy lifting by uniting the central message of your student affairs departments and connecting your students with the resources they need to thrive.


The research is clear:

Healthier students perform better and have a higher chance of succeeding in school.

Promoting health and wellness
to increase student success

CampusWell covers all 8 dimensions of wellness with high quality, research-backed articles that can be easily customized to fit your school’s specific needs. Each of these areas of your students’ lives directly impacts their academic success.



Campus department: Career Services

More than just career goals, occupational wellness refers to students’ overall satisfaction with their academic experience, including finding enrichment in their studies and establishing a healthy school-life balance. Research shows that satisfaction with one’s work positively affects academic success. In one study published in The Journal of Higher Education, researchers found that students’ satisfaction with their studies impacted their GPA more than the reverse. Supporting students’ occupational wellness means understanding both academic and non-academic responsibilities of students and how these can affect their academic career. It also means helping them prepare for life after graduation. Schools can provide this support through their Career Services department. Career Services supports students by offering training programs to help them create a successful school-life balance, while also providing them with tools they need to succeed once they leave school. 


Campus Department: Financial Aid, Financial Aid, Economic Crisis Support

Students’ financial wellness greatly impacts their overall success. In fact, a student’s economic status is one of the biggest deciding factors when it comes to their completion of academic programs. When a student can feel confident about their current and future financial situation, they are free to focus on their academic success. By equipping students with effective money management practices and other economic wellness programs, you can help increase students’ chances of a healthy financial future—and the likelihood of graduating on time. Schools can provide this support through their Financial Aid and Economic Crisis Support departments. Research confirms that students who were given this support were better equipped to fully dedicate themselves to their studies.



Campus departments: Wellness Promotion, Office of Sustainability

Environmental wellness is about having a sense of safety, comfort, and connection with your physical surroundings. Providing students with an environment conducive to safe physical activity as well as areas where students can relax and socialize is important to their overall well-being. In addition to green spaces on campus or in the community, the condition of the areas in which students study and learn also plays a huge role when it comes to student success. For example, an organized desk and ergonomic workspace can positively affect student learning. Environmental wellness is provided by the Wellness Promotion department and Office of Sustainability.


Campus departments: Resident Life, Title IX, Campus Safety, Student Ability/Success, Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, LGBTQ, Student Life, Student Groups, Women’s Resources, International Students, Commuter Student Relations

Social wellness relates to a student’s sense of connection and belonging, and establishing a strong support system. Studies show that when students feel supported, respected, and connected with their peers they’re more likely to have higher academic performance and stay in school longer. Many campus departments provide social wellness support by helping students cultivate connections with their peers, professors, and campus staff who are devoted to their well-being.



Campus departments: Campus Chapel/Ministry, Mindfulness Center

Spiritual wellness involves finding a sense of purpose in life despite the chaos of the external world. While spiritual wellness differs from student to student, the goal is to achieve inner peace and connect to the present moment. Students can enhance their spiritual wellness by engaging with religious communities, practicing meditation or yoga, and spending time in nature. There are many benefits to promoting spiritual wellness in academic settings, such as creating a more positive college experience for students and building their resilience in times of trouble. Your Campus Chapel/Ministry and Mindfulness Center, as well as other faith-based departments can provide students with this invaluable service.


Campus departments: Counseling Services, Drug & Alcohol Prevention

University life can be quite challenging. Emotional wellness is about supporting students’ mental health so they can successfully traverse through life’s challenges. Studies show that students who have stable emotional wellness are able to cope with stress, handle their feelings and actions, and create and sustain healthy and meaningful relationships. With the right support, students are also able to build resilience, which helps them feel more confident in their ability to cope with and work through difficulties. Researchers suggest that campuses that invest in mental health resources are better equipped to support students toward higher GPAs and an overall better learning environment.



Campus departments:  Recreation & Fitness Center, Health Services, Dining Services

The first thing that comes to mind when we think about wellness is physical healthand for good reason. The link between academic performance and physical wellness has been studied extensively. Research shows a positive link between healthy behaviors (such as getting enough sleep, consistent physical activity, and eating nutritious meals) and improved academic performance in university students. College administrators, in partnership with several departments, are in an excellent position to positively influence student behaviors through informational content centered around healthy lifestyles. Physical wellness is addressed by the school’s Recreation and Fitness Center, Dining Services, and Health Services.


Campus departments:  Academic Support, Tutoring, Library Services

Intellectual wellness goes beyond getting good grades. It involves recognizing and believing in one’s unique creative abilities and finding ways to expand one’s knowledge. Intellectual wellness is fostered through activities that encourage mental growth such as reading, learning new skills, or engaging in creative hobbies. Studies have shown that students who develop awareness of intellectual wellness and engage in hobbies as noted above experience a positive impact on their academic performance. Schools can support the growth and development of their students’ intellectual wellness through various activities provided by their Academic Support, Tutoring, and Library Services.


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