Gen Z watches an average of 68 videos over 3 hours each day, and prefers authentic content over professionally produced by a margin of 2 to 1.

Basic Video
Turnkey video engagement on a budget
- Standard with basic CampusWell subscription
- Access to complete content library of videos made from original, research-backed articles from experts
- Video streaming platform is co-branded (during session load time) or private labeled, deeding on your existing service level
- One video promoted per month to increase student engagement
Branded Video
Turnkey private-label solution to make your college or university brand stand out with additional promotional services
- Advanced level of subscription with additional bonus features
- Five videos promoted per month to increase student engagement
- All videos custom branded to your college or university
Custom Video
Custom video and channel creation for Marketing/Admissions and Student Affairs

Includes the strategy, planning, and talent to execute your own branded streaming site.

Monthly calls to review KPIs and make adjustments to the plan

Private label (CampusWell branding removed)

Production of up to 4 videos per month including scripting, talent acquisition, training, and support

Content moderation for your student-led channels(up to 100 videos)

Video promotion services (up to 4 videos per month)

External promotion to help attract new students, targeting your primary feeder high schools (1 campaign per month across multiple channels, Snapchat, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, etc.)

Lead form development and CRM integration to help capture potential student leads