5 ways to get more done

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Based on This is how to be productive; 5 new secrets proven by research by Eric Barker at Barking Up The Wrong Tree
Productivity infographic


I don’t have time  =  It’s not a priority

Good procrastination  —  Postponing less important tasks

Fixed-schedule productivity
What time are you done for the day? Plan backward from there. What MUST get done?


Find a safe place to hide

Environments free of distractions lead to productivity

Silence gadgets
Use apps that restrict web browsing


Why you’re doing this: be honest with yourself about what you really want

Remembering significance & meaning leads to motivation

Rewards motivate us for dull tasks

Responsible for three-quarters of why you do things


Prefrontal cortex:
“Complete the assignment.”

Nucleus accumbens:
“Yes to email and Instagram! No to the assignment!”

Dorsal striatum:
“Wait, gotta check email and Instagram.”

Help your prefrontal cortex stay in charge

  • Identify the bad habit
  • Make it inconvenient to do
  • Use a checklist to form a new habit


Do something quick to get happy  —  Looking at puppy pics works

Look for ways to lift your mood in the morning

[survey_plugin] Article sources

This infographic is based on a design by Satoru Hirose, which is in turn based on a blog post by Eric Barker at Barking Up The Wrong Tree.

Barker, E. (2016). This is how to be productive: 5 new secrets proven by research. Barking Up The Wrong Tree. Retrieved from https://www.bakadesuyo.com/2016/07/how-to-be-productive/

Hirose, S. (2016, July 19). Sketchnote #9: This is how to be productive. DoodleUnlimited.com. Retrieved from https://doodleunlimited.com/2016/07/this-is-how-to-be-productive/