9 tips for a stress-free commute

Commuting to and from school can be stressful (especially for those 8 a.m. classes). Here are some ideas to pass the time and bring a little Zen to your commute.

How to use positive visualization to navigate life’s obstacles

Find your happy place with this positive visualization meditation so you can tackle worry and uncertainty head-on.

What happens when you mix alcohol with common medications?

Before you imbibe, know the side effects of mixing alcohol with prescription and OTC medications.

How students are coping with the uncertainty of 2020

It’s not even over yet and 2020 already feels like the longest year on record. Try these coping strategies to deal with this year’s many hardships.

Quiet your inner critic with this soothing touch meditation

Conquer your inner critic with this soothing touch practice.

Ask the doc: “Is it normal for your hair to fall out when you are stressed?”

Sudden and rapid hair loss can be concerning, but will worrying just make it worse? Here’s what you need to know about stress and hair loss.

Stay in the present moment with this simple meditation practice

Meditation is a simple practice that anyone can do. Here’s a basic exercise to get you started.

Struggling to stay motivated? Strengthen your internal locus of control

The events of this year are enough to crush anyone’s drive. So how can you stay motivated this school year? Read this article to learn some tips.

Our 4 favorite stress-busting yoga routines

These four yoga routines are perfect for undoing the stresses of college life.

3 meditation myths debunked

A mindfulness expert addresses common myths about meditation and mindfulness.

Can CBD really do all that it claims? Here’s what the research says

CBD is incredibly popular right now, with fans claiming it helps with issues like insomnia, anxiety, pain, and more. But is there any truth to these purported health benefits? And is CBD even safe?

Exams got you stressed? Try this 30-second mindfulness technique

Need a strategy for in-the-moment test panic? Try this easy mindfulness technique.