A simple, hands-on guide to making a budget

Reading Time: 2 minutes Yes, it IS possible to pay your bills, buy some stuff you want, and even put a bit of money aside for the future—and it all begins with a budget.

7 steps to pain-free budgeting

Reading Time: 6 minutes As a student, sometimes the money goes out faster than it’s coming in. Learn how to track your spending with this step-by-step guide. (Your future self will thank you.)

Apps and podcasts we love: Mint

Reading Time: 2 minutes A student reviews the app Mint and shares how it helped her.

Budget like a boss in 3 easy steps

Reading Time: 6 minutes Learn the ins and outs of budgeting including useful apps and tools and how money can help you reach long- and short-term goals.

6 easy ways to build your credit score—and why that matters

Reading Time: 5 minutes Want to buy a car? Lease an apartment? Get a mortgage for a house one day? First you’ll need good credit. In this article, we cover 6 key ways to start building your credit score right now.

The student guide to understanding credit

Reading Time: 11 minutes We’re all pretty familiar with credit cards (at least, in theory), but what about credit scores, credit reports, and what it means to be deemed “creditworthy”?