Why taking time off is important—and how to ask for it

Time off is essential—but most of us don’t get enough of it. Learn how to ask for time off at your job, whether working part time or full time.

How students are coping with the uncertainty of 2020

It’s not even over yet and 2020 already feels like the longest year on record. Try these coping strategies to deal with this year’s many hardships.

How to be really good at getting stuff done, according to science

These techniques will help you be more productive with fewer anxiety-ridden, caffeine-induced late-night study sessions.

How to set goals—and actually achieve them

Find out what works for actually achieving the goals you set for yourself.

Get more done: How to create a productive study space

The modern world is so full of shiny things that distraction can be a major, ongoing impediment to productive work. Learn how to organize your study space to create the perfect environment for staying focused.

5 ways to get more done

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Based on This is how to be productive; 5 new secrets proven by research by Eric Barker at Barking Up The Wrong Tree
Productivity infographic


I don’t have time  =  It’s not a priority

Good procrastination  —  Postponing less important tasks

Fixed-schedule productivity
What time are you done for the day? Plan backward from there. What MUST get done?


Find a safe place to hide

Environments free of distractions lead to productivity

Silence gadgets
Use apps that restrict web browsing


Why you’re doing this: be honest with yourself about what you really want

Remembering significance & meaning leads to motivation

Rewards motivate us for dull tasks

Responsible for three-quarters of why you do things


Prefrontal cortex:
“Complete the assignment.”

Nucleus accumbens:
“Yes to email and Instagram! No to the assignment!”

Dorsal striatum:
“Wait, gotta check email and Instagram.”

Help your prefrontal cortex stay in charge

  • Identify the bad habit
  • Make it inconvenient to do
  • Use a checklist to form a new habit


Do something quick to get happy  —  Looking at puppy pics works

Look for ways to lift your mood in the morning

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