How to use positive visualization to navigate life’s obstacles

Reading Time: 6 minutes Find your happy place with this positive visualization meditation so you can tackle worry and uncertainty head-on.

10-minute guided imagery meditation to help you stay grounded

Reading Time: 2 minutes Use this guided imagery meditation to find your happy place and cultivate inner stillness even in moments of change and uncertainty.

How students are coping with the uncertainty of 2020

Reading Time: 7 minutes It’s not even over yet and 2020 already feels like the longest year on record. Try these coping strategies to deal with this year’s many hardships.

Quiet your inner critic with this soothing touch meditation

Reading Time: 4 minutes Conquer your inner critic with this soothing touch practice.

Stay in the present moment with this simple meditation practice

Reading Time: 2 minutes Meditation is a simple practice that anyone can do. Here’s a basic exercise to get you started.

3 meditation myths debunked

Reading Time: < 1 minute A mindfulness expert addresses common myths about meditation and mindfulness.

Quick fixes for reducing your screen time right now

Reading Time: 6 minutes Try these five easy ways to have a phone-free moment.

Exams got you stressed? Try this 30-second mindfulness technique

Reading Time: 2 minutes Need a strategy for in-the-moment test panic? Try this easy mindfulness technique.

How to mindfully handle your mistakes

Reading Time: < 1 minute A mindful approach to conquering your fear of failure.

A mindfulness trick for dealing with troublesome thoughts

Reading Time: 2 minutes When exams and deadlines are looming, try this simple mindfulness strategy for dealing with anxious thoughts.

This quick body scan meditation will melt away your stress

Reading Time: < 1 minute Our mindfulness expert demonstrates how to do a body scan meditation.

Wake & meditate: Your guide to a mindful morning

Reading Time: 4 minutes Mornings can be rough. Try this five-minute meditation to start your day from a place of calm, clarity, and alertness.