Ask the professor: “I’m trying to figure out what the best study method is for me—how do I do that?”

Reading Time: 2 minutesEverybody learns differently, and different assignments require different methods. Find out your study strategy using this simple equation.

Exams got you stressed? Try this 30-second mindfulness technique

Reading Time: 2 minutesNeed a strategy for in-the-moment test panic? Try this easy mindfulness technique.

Does listening to music help you study?

Reading Time: 5 minutesMany students attest to the power of music to elevate their academic performance, but does listening to music really help you study?

How to be really good at getting stuff done, according to science

Reading Time: 8 minutesThese techniques will help you be more productive with fewer anxiety-ridden, caffeine-induced late-night study sessions.

A mindfulness trick for dealing with troublesome thoughts

Reading Time: 2 minutesWhen exams and deadlines are looming, try this simple mindfulness strategy for dealing with anxious thoughts.

Cropped view of group of teenagers taking a test

4 ways to avoid the temptation to cheat on your next exam

Reading Time: 6 minutesAvoid the temptation to cheat by improving your time management and citation skills.

Think fast: 5 things you can do to improve your memory right now

Reading Time: 5 minutesDo you already forget what today’s lecture was about? Learn how to improve short-term memory and boost your test scores with five simple lifestyle habits.

8 strategies to get you out of a studying rut

Reading Time: 6 minutesHow to develop a study plan that involves techniques best suited to individual learning styles.

Get more done: How to create a productive study space

Reading Time: 13 minutesThe modern world is so full of shiny things that distraction can be a major, ongoing impediment to productive work. Learn how to organize your study space to create the perfect environment for staying focused.